Using Honey for Acne Doesn’t Just Get Rid of the Blemishes


When you use honey for acne, you don’t just reduce the appearance of the blemishes and prevent future breakouts. You also make the skin healthier and give it a fresh glow. The honey makes the skin nice and soft from its moisturizing properties. This is a whole complete package in using honey for acne while only paying a small amount for the product.

It is advised that you use unpasteurized honey for this treatment as the processed types can cause skin reactions. Also, using honey as a facial should only be repeated once or twice a week by those who have sensitive skin. There are rare occasions when there might be an allergy to honey. In these cases, aloe vera can be used to sooth the skin. It can also be used to reduce the appearance of acne. Applying lemon juice to any scars can make them less visible. This can be added to honey or to

Aloe may also be used to reduce the appearance of acne because of its healing properties. Applying lemon juice to any scars can make them less visible. This can be added to the honey or to aloe vera.